Entri Perihal Diri

Rasa dah lama tidak menulis sesuatu berkaitan diri sendiri dan sekiranya di perhatikan sejak dua menjak ini hanya mampu meletakkan link-link lagu yang menarik (skill tiada idea untuk menulis).Final Year, Final Semester.Pre graduation sudah, Final Year Project sudah. Yang menunggu hanyalah final examination yang bakal mencabar buat kali terakhir.Sebenarnya kalau diikutkan, hanya tinggal satu lagi paper untuk minggu hadapan.

Kertas peperiksaan pertama, MNI2, alhamdulillah, aku dapat menjawab dengan baik, cuma soalan pertama aku rasa akan kekurangan markah sedikit, itupun mungkin kerana ketepan penerangan ada sedikit berlaku kekeliruan dan isi yang di perah tidak dapat santan yang sepatutnya.

Kertas keduaku, Innovation Management.Di jawab pada hari ini, pukul 8.30 pagi tadi.Jarang aku bertemu dengan pukul 8, 9 dan 10 kerana kelas hanya bermula se awal 12 tengahari bagi semester ini.Selalunya selepas subuh, dengkuran akan kembali bersahut-sahutan, itupun kalau Zul tak ada kelas pagi.Innovation management, entah kenapa, aku sangat berminat dengan subjek ini walaupun pada hakikatnya aku adalah seorang budak engine, bukan engine kereta yer.Mungkin minat terhadap perniagaan mendorong aku cepat memahami isi kandungan pelajaran subject ini.Semester ini merupakan semester percubaan kepada kertas ini yang memerlukan 100% esei.Bagi budak engine, aku tahu amat seksa benda alah ini.

Aku akui, tangan aku mula merasa lenguh.Lenguh yang amat ketika menjawab soalan-soalan ini tadi.Mujurlah, aku dapat menjawab soalan dengan baik,baik disini bukan bermaksud confirm betul tapi aku mampu menghabiskan 4 esei.Ye lah empat soalan.Idea yang datang mencurah-curah bersabung dengan fakta-fakta yang aku korek dari pelbagai sumber.Kepada rakan-rakan yang baru hendak mengingatkan kembali fakta-fakta ini, aku ucapkan selamat berjaya kerana untuk menjawab 4 soalan esei berbekalkan 2 jam, adalah sangat-sangat tidak mencukupi.Itupun aku terpaksa cut short isi-isi yang telah aku perah di sebabkan masa yang tidak mencukupi.

It was very frustrated when you got the idea and the time is your enemy.Not to mention the ability to write for duration of 2 hours non stop.Sebenarnya yang menerukkan keadaan adalah kerana 3, 4 hari ini, kerja aku hanya menulis.Menulis nota, menghafal formula, melukis kembali model dan graph, menulis kembali isi-isi penting dan mencari maklumat-maklumat sampingan.Kerana kebanyakan kerja di lakukan dengan menaip, menulis sudah menjadi secondary method,not to mention jari-jemari yang dah sebati dengan touch screen.(I take notes during my interview session with the canon technical manager using my iPhone, it was unbelievable, but believe it, don’t mention the typo dowh hahaha).

Jadi halangan aku untuk ke dunia pekerjaan, hanyalah Digital Design.Khamis minggu depan.Tadi dah pergi check dengan Sir, tentang carry mark, tak begitu baik, (aku baru cakap, markah saya maca… , “OH, radin!!!ni markah awak yer) Memikirkan si G yang terpaksa memberitahu namanya kepada Sir dan aku disapa begitu, aku rasa aku agak terkenal di kalangan lecturer  hahaha.Just like on my twitter , Popularity doesn’t suit me. “But yet, you are” kata-kata tengku khalisah.

Who else has contact with the head of department through Whatsapp?and who else was given the title king of the night by the dean?And who else was spotted missing  in the class by the deputy dean?Hahaha…Eh,takbur betul…si Kero ada speed dial dengan Pak Long pun tak bising macam aku.Pak Long is our beloved Menteri Besar.How small can kuantan be, since Pak Long is also one of my closest friend’s dad.He was a brilliant man, one thing for sure.Well, he is the menteri kan…

Along is getting engage this Sunday,and she was eager to have me at her engagement day,so as a good, adorable friend I will honor that request.I have never been to a engagement before, I only do weddings, hahaha.Some of my friend is getting marry this year, and one of the closest that I have is Pokko engagement in June.Wahhh!!finally arrr…long live and prosper hehehe.

Oh good news for kuantanese that eager to have tutti frutti, we will have it in our beloved town this month, kalau tiada aral melintang..Sila datang, jangan tak datang, kalau tak datang, tak nampak muka, kalau datang nampak muka.

Oh, by the way, there’s a new game in town.And it was quite addictive, going to review  it soon enough.If only I have the time, well lucky for you, I have time hehehe.

What else, oh love life?nah still single and available.Those rumors and the last few days pranks about me having a relationship, it just a joke.Funny, how people take facebook so seriously, and I’m quite impressed with the number of people who like me having a relationship, actually the number that didn’t approve of it is higher.Guy can’t have to much admirers kan?adey…Poor Pah, she has to go through all of those experience hehehe.

Money?well cukup sekadarnya, tak lebih, tak kurang.Thanks for few project that we acquired,feekir is one step ahead everytime.Our chief marketing officer @ Kero is going to fly to Jakarta this very morning to discuss the latest project with our contact in Indonesia.Pray that everything will be great people.Remember those memories before we launch feekir, the jinxcrew that develop the jinxbox channel, back to the days we develop the 3d networking system with the russian, it was quite fun back then actually hehehe.maybe we could beat facebook if we continue with the process , well who knows.Now, all of the members is using iphone4, it might not be much, but it was small achievement for us.Well, atleast we didn’t asked for money from parents or trick people through MLM right? hahahahaha…

I think that’s it people, I’m going to turn in…I will keep the blog update soon, and thank you so much for those who visit my blog, and care to click on the advertisment,can’t wait for the nuffnang to turn to … well, let it be secret will you?(maybe going to buy a pair of zara shoes later hehehe)..Oh sorry for the broken, typo,mix english and malay, I try to keep it as natural as possible … mixture of band 2 muet,sleepyhead,overexcited graduate,and typical malay… lol

Okay guy, until next time, and remember..




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