A little bit about today

It seems macam tajuk karangan MUET disember tahun 2007, but its not.Its just another boring post yg Im about to bring up to your attention.Here it goes, comparing to the teenagers today dengan zaman saya dulu, amatlah berbeza.Remaja sekarang lebih mewah, apa sahaja yang dikehendaki terus aja ditunaikan.Kalau dulu nk lepak dekat Mcd dahh dikira mewah, sekarang budak umur 13 tahun dah pandai hangout di Coffee Bean.Hurm,macam mana cara anda menghargai wang sebenarnya since most of these kid always ranting not having enough money but in contrary, die orang spend lebih daripada apa yang diperlukan, gadget,new hp,gaming console, clothes,sneakers dan pelbagai lagi.kadang kala ada kengkwan yang salah anggap bahawa saya seperti mereka but in reality the answer is NO.Mempunyai kawan2 yang senang mendapat wang dan barang they thought I was one of them and yang kelakarnya memandangkan dari cara mereka menghabiskan wang dan mereka still menrungut tidak mempunyai wang adalah sesuuatu perkara yang tidak logik.Wang dan rezeki ada di mana2 sahaja and its up to us to handle it with care (macam barang kaca lah pulak)….back in the time when I was active in bowling arena, I managed to collect a sum of money which I saved in various bank.So by the time I get into college, the money has been multiple in time.Betapa susahnya untuk menahan godaan untuk membeli barangan ketika kita mempunyai wang, but if you manage to fight the urge then u r a winner…YEAAAY!!…so semasa di kolej, I become a part time coach for the Yayasan Pahang bowling club and also as a freelance coach untuk beberapa agency.Throughout this process, I manage to own myself a car.Yup at the age of the 19 i already bought a car of my own.After finished my associate degree . I worked for a while and save up plus i still participate in few tourneys.Then, i started taking Safety and Health courses and during the internship I manage to get both  allowances from the program and the company.Right now,Im planning to jump into the world of photography and luck for me I land myself a couple of job right now.So, if you start ranting about not having enough money, think again..should you buy those expensive clothes?those fancy slippers?well unless u got yourself a bapak ayam think again, betapa susahnya your parents nak dapatkan duit for your education.Personally, I envy those who have poor background and rise to become a a great entrepreneur.Not some kid who had everything comes from his daddy’s pocket.Tidak ada apa yang hendak di banggakan betul tak?so, value every cent that you earn, cause when you manage to get something on your own the feeling can’t be bought with money.Think about it.Tata :chicken:



5 Responses

  1. hahaha no worries…..
    u r free to comment as long~ as you have wanted…
    maybe their parents tak tau kot..biasa lah tu, sometimes depan mak ayah, bakal mentua pakai tudung and everything, keluar bandar, nampak segala … nak nak someone yang terkena kejutan budaya, itu lagi parah ;-)

  2. a few things to say here:
    1. owning your own car at 19 = impressive! *thumbs up!* :yes:
    2. i know the feeling..tht first paycheck felt so precious because you knw you worked hard to earn the money by yourself
    3. while we’re on the topic of ‘kids today’, the way they dress – price aside – is ridiculous, as in their sense of fashion. kalau pegi area BB, tgk these primary schoolchdn, budak umur 11, 12thn pakai those mini skirt type dgn tights n whtever else. certain body parts pun belum develop lagi dah tak sabar nak tayang, not saying tht they can tayang when they have them, but really, sakit mata tgk. how their parents allow them to go out of the house looking like tht pun taktau. tis all part of the western influence on asian culture sampai our original values pun dah change, and those yg affected are the younger generation.

  3. betul,unless u really got the money…tapi kalau ada pun bukan meaning boleh throw away macam tu jer..berbelanja la dengan bijak..inikan ada yang setakat nak beli selipar sampai 5, 6 ratus ringgit itu pun mintak parent yang belikan…”nanti ada pulak yang berkata,alah bukan mintak duit ko pun” hahaa :-D

  4. yeap…susah kite nak dapat, susah la kite nak buang….kalau la teringin sangat kat 1 bende tu, kite bley cari yg murah.takde brand xpe..ade brand pon kdg2 bkn berkualiti sgt..sometimes i m wondering, how people can spend hundred 4 buying levis, sedangkn jeans aku 30rm jek..huhu..banyak kan duit dorg sampai bazir gitu sekali?

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