Batrisyia Batrisyia

Here’s is some of the video clip featuring my adorable cousin Batrisyia.How quickly she’s grown up and her voice is getting more powerful and superb.Enjoy the video clip.These two clip was taken by my cousin Tasha during a wedding ceremony at Dewan Polis near Bukit Pelindung, she was singing Matahari by Agnes Monica and Ayat2 Cinta by Rossa.



This is an old video clip during her performance at the RTM Kuantan during rehearsal, song Hanya Di Mercu



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2 Responses

  1. Malaysia Idol…i suke bile time die tarik lagu matahari~~~AGnes Monica pun kalah plus she’s cute hehehe

  2. Adorable, malaysian next top artist!!!!!! 3 cheers~~~ :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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