If taken from wiki , the rainbow can be define as ” an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth’s atmosphere. It takes the form of a multi colour arc.Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.


There was a story that comes from the old folks(Malay) saying that , if we saw the rainbow don’t you dare pointing your fingers towards them, “nanti kudung”.. :shock: .So if you guys want to try to prove that the legends was false, then try it yourself and make sure you tell me about your experience later on…hehehe

*taken from zackzuhairi

Dah sampai dekat sini baru perasan, apsal tulis bahasa inggeris?Kemungkinan terlalu banyak memakai bedak sehingga muka kelihatan seperti orang putih.Ngeh~

Apa perasaan anda apabila melihat pelangi (rainbow) ini?I bet you guys mesti excited kan?Happy,Seronok,gembira.Kadang-kala tanpa kita sedari ada orang yang dalam hidup kita mampu membuat kita berperasaan sedemikian rupa.Apa yang sebenarnya “insan” ini lakukan atau apa yang dilakukan oleh “insan” ini menyebabkan timbulnya effect sedemikian rupa?Kita tanya balik, apa yang pelangi buat?satu soalan yang mudah kan?

Pelangi hanya perlu “ada”.Pelangi tak ada air seperti hujan, ia juga tak memberikan cahaya atau kehangatan seperti matahari, ia hanya ada.Ia hanya perlu ada.Kewujudannya sahaja mampu mengukir senyuman di bibir kita.

There are 7 colours of rainbow.Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue, Indigo, Purple.7 colours not more, not less.And each one have special meaning as you are to me.

I make myself a list of what the colour represent you.

Red: R is the RING that stands for “will you marry me”

Orange:yOu had me at hellO.

Yellow:YOU are beautiful

Green:G is for saying GOODBYE while tears come down my eyes.

Blue:B is for how BEAUTIFUL you are.. even though you don’t recognize it.

Indigo:I is for there is no I in us.

Purple:To me, you’re PERFECT.

P.S:God was showing off when He created you.



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