
there’s plenty of memories.
sadness, happiness,love,hatred,jealousy.
that is life and that is the colour of life.
We pray that we always fill with happiness,
but only when we overcome problems,
that is our basis,that’s what make us stronger,
a smile can colour other people’s life,
laughter can bring smile upon somebody who is in despair,
face everything with a smile,
happiness,everyone dream about happiness.
Nobody wishes for sadness and sorrow.
10 seconds of  happiness and 10 seconds of sadness,
that’s what make us human.
there is a saying,’Your heart is not good enough until it has been broken”.

Ask me why I keep on loving you when it’s clear that you don’t feel the same way for me… the problem is that as much as I can’t force you to love me, I can’t force myself to stop loving you.  ~Author Unknown

p.s : Di saat engkau mula tidak mencintainya, ingatlah saat pertama engkau jatuh cinta padanya… :heart:



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